Post Operative Care
Operations whether for an orthopaedic condition, neutering, abdominal of other type of surgery. Depending on the surgical procedures, your dog might be immobilised for days or even weeks which can impact on both the physical and psychological welfare of your dog.
Restricted movement leads to reduced circulation of blood and lymph; leading to muscle wasting (atrophy), reduced flexibility, overcompensation and referred pain, tight and injury prone muscles, poor joint stability and poor range of motion. This enforced rest can also leave your dog very bored, anxious and stressed; affecting your dog psychologically.
Benefits of Post-Operative Massage:

How soon we can massage after surgery depends on the type/reason for the procedure and your vet will be able to advise you on the timescale. Many dogs do find it beneficial to have a full structured massage to assist in their recovery.
  • Improve the flow of blood and nutrients to the affected area to aid in repair
  • Pain management
  • Assists with areas of overcompensation
  • Breaking down restrictive scar tissue & adhesions
  • Ease boredom, stress and anxiety
  • Improved weight bearing and range of motion
  • Improved mood and character
  • Supports venous return and lymphatic drainage
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